jay rechsteiner

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Bad Painting

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'Bad Painting' comprises faux-naïf style artworks addressing real human atrocities, each featuring a descriptive text sourced from various headlines. Painted on canvases approximately laptop screen-sized, they employ bold brushstrokes to convey immediacy. Despite potentially discomforting content, they serve as vital records of humanity's darker aspects in the contemporary era. In today's turbulent world, with shifting societal norms, moral values, and political ideologies, their relevance, especially its textual component, is amplified, capturing the zeitgeist and reflecting societal shifts.

Importantly, each "Bad Painting" is not only a visual but also a linguistic entity. The incorporated texts, constructed from various headlines related to specific events, are an integral part of each work. Through this fusion of image and text, I invite viewers to delve not only visually but also linguistically into the deep corners of our collective reality.

The inspiration for all my "Bad Paintings" comes from my personal feelings of anger, sadness, and dismay about such events. These emotions deeply stir me, and painting allows me to process and understand these feelings both emotionally and intellectually.

I do not intend for the paintings to take a side or make a political statement. They are based on factual events. Whatever the viewers feel or think is personal to them and of secondary importance. My goal is to present the reality and let the viewers draw their own conclusions.

For all "Bad Paintings" up to number 357, I used acrylic paint on canvas. From number 358 onwards, I switched to oil on canvas. I chose acrylic paint for its fast-drying properties and its plastic-like texture, which resonates with our fast-paced world. I transitioned to oil because I simply enjoy working with it. The style can be described as faux-naïf, which aligns with the concept by being crude, ugly, and fast, offering a different perspective to the work.

Bad Painting transcends individual pieces; it's a unified corpus. As such, I'm hesitant to sell paintings individually. Specifically, I envision sets of 100 paintings (size 22.7cm x 30.5cm paintings) as more or less cohesive works.



"Jay Rechsteiner mines black gold – the seam of hate that runs through all of us that can manifest itself in public, if we don’t look out. And we have to look, and look out.  This is the real thing, art seeing human nature clearly as it is, not art imitating art, no conceptual illustrations of what we would like to be, no wishful thinking, no wokery.  His Bad Paintings are beautifully done – eyes turn into fangs and hate and fear stabs out of them, Dix with a dash of Ensor re-ignited now.  This is not art to hang in the home, nor invest in; it’s no comfort zone. Jay has re-invented public art in our times, art that warns as it sings, to be shown in galleries everywhere."
- Julian Spalding, former director of Sheffield, Manchester and Glasgow Art Galleries, art historian and writer

"These [Jay Rechsteiner's 'Bad Paintings'] look like such great paintings."
- Jerry Saltz, Senior Art Critic at New York Magazine

Jay’s bad paintings are bad for late corporate fascism, bad for Starmer and fake liberals, bad for genocide enablers who pretend they embrace BLM, bad for bourgeois hypocrites. Bad for Reform and Trump. They’re great for art though and great for humanity.”
- Matthew Collings, art critic, writer, broadcaster, and artist

I am a fan of ‘bad painting’: the rough, ‘street’ urgency and messiness of Basquiat, Schnabel and Scharf. Jay puts his own shocking stamp on this genre with paintings of misshapen figures in scenes of extreme cruelty, often spelt out by lines of dead-pan text. His cartoonish, light hearted style and bright, alluring colour make the violent subject matter of tortured immigrants, sadistic police, abused and mutilated women, all the more painful by contrast. He is a painterly equivalent of Christopher Marlowe who dramatises violent events with black humour to underline the reality of human callousness.”
- Susie Hamilton, artist represented by Paul Stolper Gallery

The Bad Paintings are the most acute observation of our context where the truth is on the forefront “
- Stefan Brüggemann, artist represented by Hauser & Wirth

Great art is not serving the like-dislike dichotomy/economy of Instagram. The Bad Paintings are disturbing, raw, cruel, immediate and a highly profound archive of the perversity and darkness that comes with (in)human nature. Painters that have the courage to confront themselves and others with such a brutal intensity are hard to find.”
- Micha Wille, artist

"I recall the memory of four high school students standing in front of Jay Rechsteiner's Bad Paintings, amidst all the other ‘funny’ drawings. They were mesmerized by his honesty and no-nonsense approach. His dedication and commitment made his work, at least for me, the heart of the show."
- Olga Scholten, Initiator and Curator of A Perfect Day, www.aperfectday.amsterdam

translation from German to English:
"Jay Rechsteiner's pictures reveal the dark truth of humanity. The cruel, perverse, abhorrent side of a 'humanity' that resides in many, more in some than in others, or even not at all. Some let loose. Jay Rechsteiner focuses on this, depicting with a loose, almost humorous brushstroke and cheerful coloring what happens daily in every country around the world. These are excesses of brutality, often uncovered and described in newspapers or news reports. Rechsteiner denounces this, holding up a mirror to our self-righteousness, showing what can also happen in our neighborhood, creating an awareness of what truth means. For this, he is sometimes criticized, as if he were celebrating these atrocities. What nonsense! Jay Rechsteiner paints a human side that has always existed and will continue to exist. How do we deal with it?"
- Peter Schlangenbader, artist, curator

Original text:
Jay Rechsteiners Bilder zeigen die dunkle Wahrhaftigkeit des Menschen. Die grausame, perverse, abscheuliche Seite einer „Menschlichkeit“, die in vielen steckt, bei einigen mehr bei anderen weniger, oder auch gar nicht. Manche lassen die Sau raus. Jay Rechsteiner fokussiert das, er zeigt Hintergründig mit lockerem, fast humorvollem Pinselstrich und fröhlicher Farbgebung was tagtäglich auf dieser Welt in jedem Land unter anderem geschieht. Es sind Exzesse der Verrohung, oft aufgedeckt, in Zeitungen oder Nachrichten geschildert. Rechsteiner prangert das an, er hält unserer Selbstgerechtheit einen Spiegel vor, zeigt, was auch in unserer Nachbarschaft passieren kann, er schafft ein Bewusstsein dafür, was Wahrheit bedeutet. Dafür wird er manchmal kritisiert, als würde er diese Abscheulichkeiten feiern. Was für ein Blödsinn! Jay Rechsteiner malt eine menschliche Seite, die es schon immer gab und weiterhin geben wird. Wie gehen wir damit um?


Bad Painting at Kotaro Nukaga

Bad Painting triangle at Kotaro Nukaga, Unleashed Speech, Unleashed Speed, curated by Stefan Brüggemann


Bad Painting at Kotaro Nukaga

Bad Painting triangle at Kotaro Nukaga, Unleashed Speech, Unleashed Speed, curated by Stefan Brüggemann


Bad Painting 171 paintings

171 Paintings


Bad Painting 01 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad painting 01: Angry men & women beating the hell out of black, yellow, brown, gay people & hairdressers on a lovely Tuesday afternoon.
80cm x 100cm, acrylic on canvas, 2013


Bad Painting 02: People with slightly darker skin are being hacked to death based on The killing of the Rohingya in Myanmar.

90cm x 90cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 03 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 03: House of Torture: Prisoners being boiled alive, electrical shocks, sexual assaults, pulling out fingernails from Mondays to Sundays... & solitary confinement without food or drink.

76cm x 76cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 04 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 04: Three boys & two girls are torturing, beating disabled girl & making her drink urine.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 05 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 05: Boy stabbing a boy on a sunny day in July.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 06 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 06: A husband cutting off his wife's fingers.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 07 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 07: Two men setting a gay wheelchair user on fire.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 08: An angry member of the EDL hitting an Indian man with a bottle on the head,

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 09: Husband gouged wife's eyes out and biting off her nose on yet another sunny day.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 10: Hhusband stamping on wife's head.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 11: Man keeping three females as prisoners in the basement of his house, he occasionally rapes them.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 12: Pregnant girl being raped in a pub on a Monday night.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 13: Two men beating up a Chinese man on a lovely day.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 14: Two boys kicking and stomping on toddler, throwing bricks at him & placing batteries in his mouth & finally killing him with a 22 pound iron bar.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 15: Girl tortured by a group of kids, led by a 37-year old woman. Covered in bruises & over 100 cigarette burns. Peeled off skin. 3 branded on her chest + burned onto belly: I'M A PROSTITUE AND I'M PROUD OF IT.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 16: Boy throwing object at boy, killing him in off licence
(originally in a bakery)

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 17: Three men having a great time while two dogs are savaging a fox in a cage.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 18: Two year old girl battered with a metal bar, repeatedly locked in a cupboard, dumped in a bin. Broken arm and legs, covered in bruises. A one-month torture.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 19: Four men publicly executed. One-hundred-thirty-five people watching.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad painting 20: Mother & daughter cyberbully 14-year old girl & drive her to commit suicide.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 21: Broken ribs, broken back, mutilated fingertips, missing fingernails, watching porn. A lovely family home.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 22: Two men skinning raccoon dogs alive on a sunny & warm day.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 23: 4-year old beaten, locked up, drowned, starved & force-fed salt by mother & stepdad.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 24: Duct taped, raped, tortured with sledgehammer & pliers, stabbed with ice pick in ears, strangled with coat hanger. A lovely van journey along the coast.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 25: Angry men throwing stones at woman accused of adultry on one of the sunniest days of the year.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 26: Four neo-nazis beating the hell out of a Nigerian (Filming attack & uploading it).

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 27: Landowners getting rid of jungle dwellers.

20cm x 25cm (sold)
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 28: Landowners getting rid of jungle dwellers.

acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 29: Soldiers posing for photographs with semi-naked tropy kill on a hot summer day.

22.7cm x 30.5cm (sold)
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 30: Two bullocks are being forced to work to their death.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 31: Tourists are being burned alive after having their genitals cut off on a magnificently beautiful beach.

20cm x 25cm (sold)
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 32: Two guys are digging a hole in a forest so they can bury ex-fiancee alive.

20cm x 25cm (sold)
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 33: Carer and her boyfriend are torturing elderly disabled man. They want his money, the pincode of his postal account card.

41cm x 51cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 34: Group of men are on a lynch rampage, torturing & killing homosexuals & child molesters.

45cm x 60cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 35: Parents throwing acid on daughter's face.

20cm x 25cm (sold)
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 36: Man ejaculating while strangling a woman. She is a project.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Rohingya genocide

Bad Painting 37: People with slightly darker skin are being hacked to death.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 38: 14-year old teenage boy cuts the head off the head of an 11-year old teenage boy.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 39 by Jay Rechsteiner, Hackney Downs, London, dog fight

Bad Painting 39: A bunch of guys are enjoying a dog fight on yet another sunny day.

121 cm x 153 cm
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 40: Six guys beating a transsexual woman to death.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2017


Bad Painting 41: Two teenagers dragging a Muslim woman along
the pavement by her hijab.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2017 (sold)

Bad Painting 42: Five soldiers/prison guards indulging in the corrective rape of a bi-sexual woman. The woman dies of severe injuries.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2017


Bad Painting 43: Teenagers throwing live puppies onto a scorching bonfire.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2017

Bad Painting 44 : A white man travelled from far away to the big city to kill black men with a sword.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2017


Bad Painting 45: A man blending a kitten for fun & filming it so he can upload it the footage to You Tube.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2017

Bad Painting 46: Five teenagers, armed with a fence panel with nails protruding from it, a machete, a stick & a baseball bat attacking a black family. One
of the attackers shouting "Stab the dad!"

102cm x 102cm
oil & acrylic on canvas
April 2017


Bad Painting 47: A busy day at the abattoir. 'A slaughterhouse or abattoir is a facility where animals are slaughtered for consumption as food for humans.' (Wikipedia)

102cm x 102cm
oil & acrylic on canvas
April 2017


Bad Painting 48 : Dog left to starve to death as part of Guillermo Vargas' 'Exposición N° 1' at Códice Gallery. (Note to the viewer of this painting: The dog was in fact being fed on a regular basis during the exhibition. The feeding was kept a secret. One might wonder why none of the visitors tried to help or feed the dog, or call the police. )

102cm x 102cm
oil & acrylic on canvas
April 2017


Bad Painting 49: Boys & girls aged between 6 & 15 making beautiful garments in a rather hot basement. On average they work over 60 hours a week.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2017


Bad Painting 50: Prisoner cutting himself in solitary confinement.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2017 (sold)

Bad Painting 51: Teenage girls filming themselves brutally torturing & killing animals so they can share the footage on social media.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2017


Bad Painting 52: Armed rebels parading thirsty refugees in front of bottled water & tell them to open their mouths. As soon as they do so, they pour the water onto the ground.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2017 (sold)

Bad Painting 53: Man selling three refugees. They will be forced to work on a farm somewhere in the north. The youngest of the three will be raped & beaten to death. He is seven years of age.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2017


Bad Painting 54: Government soldiers raping a mother in front of her child.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2017 (sold)

Bad Painting 55: Smugglers throwing refugees over board. They will all drown.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2017


Bad Painting 56: A prisoner in CIA custody being waterboarded.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2017

Bad Painting 57: Weekend lads drinking & smoking on the Margate Steps.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2017


Bad Painting 58: Mentally disabled man being sucker-punched in the face by teens.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
June 2017

Bad Painting 59: Woman being beheaded in public.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2017 (sold)


Bad Painting 60: Christians enjoying a hot & sunny day in Margate. Men are topless & women cover their bodies with dresses, T-shirts or swimming suits/bikinis.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2017

Bad Painting 61: An acid attack on a family.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2017


Bad Painting 62: Acid attack on a man & a pregnant woman.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2017

Bad Painting 63: Two men taking newborn calf away from its mother. They will kill it because it is male.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2017 (sold)


Bad Painting 64: Two guys are torturing woman & filming their playtime. They have already killed her husband & child.

20cm x 25cm
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 65: Casa Pia Supermarket - The doctor would check selected boys and girls to ensure they were not suffering from sexual infections.
(One night each week) Bibi would then usher the children outside into a van that drove them to the prestigious homes of 'the magic circle'.

300cm x 215cm
acrylic on canvas (to be streched on strecher bars, photo was taken on canvas loose on wall)


Bad Painting 66: Neo-Nazis threatening a mother and her baby (to beat them to death).

102cm x 102cm
oil & acrylic on canvas
September/October 2017


Bad Painting 67: A white nationalist Neo-Nazi march. Protesters are demanding the protection of the Aryan master race. They are chanting "Blood & Soil!" and "Sieg Heil!"

122 cm x 153 cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2017


Bad Painting 68: A group of white teens trying to hang a biracial boy by a noose on a sunny afternoon.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2017 (sold)



Bad Painting 69: A group of white teens trying to hang a biracial boy by a noose.

244 cm x 153 cm (diptych, 2 x 122cm x 153cm)
acrylic on canvas
November 2017


Bad Painting 70: Police beating refugees & confiscating their tents, sleeping bags & cooking utensils in the middle of a cold night.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018


Bad Painting 71: Refugees washed up dead on beach. The boat's engine had been removed at sea by armed gangs or smugglers. Most of them are nameless.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018

Bad Painting 72: Refugees washed up dead on a beach.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018


Bad Painting 73: Refugees washed up dead on a beach.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018 (sold)

Bad Painting 74: Refugees washed up dead on a beach.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018


Bad Painting 75: Racists attacking a refugee family in the middle of the night.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018

Bad Painting 76:Soldiers trying to prevent medics from treating injured demonstrator.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018


Bad Painting 77: Police arresting disabled pensioner. They are striking him with a baton, punching him & spraying his face with capsicum. "You like that" Smells good, doesn't it?"

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018

Bad Painting 78: Bodies strewn across the road after a gas attack.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018


Bad Painting 79: Woman digging her own grave in a forest after being beaten and raped by traffickers. They are going to tie a noose around her neck and let her hang fro a while before cutting off the branch.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018


Bad Painting 80: Drunk men are taking turn to rape a woman. A man is pulling her front tooth out using pliers. She won't be killed because the traffickers are planning to sell her to somebody in Israel.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018


Bad Painting 81: Vandals are smashing a minibu's windows, throwing paint over play equipment & writing abusive slurs on playground of a school for children with special needs.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2018

Bad Painting 82: Men indulging in annual whale slaughter on the Faroe Islands. Whole whale families are being slaughtered. Some whales are swimming around in their family members' blood for hours.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2018


Bad Painting 83: A worker flaming cows on a diary farm when cows don't comply with workers' demands.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2018

Bad Painting 84: New mothers are violently force-fed.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2018


Bad Painting 85: Mothers are just given seconds with their calves before they are viciously processed.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2018

Bad Painting 86: A father with two of his sons are gouging out the eyes of this third son with a curry spoon because he wanted to marry a girl he liked.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2018 (sold)


Bad Painting 87: A cop begged to rape the 8-year old girl one more time before they would strangle her & batter her head with a stone. The captive girl was gang raped over & over again over 5 days.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2018

Bad Painting 88: Migrant children separated from their parents held in cages.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2018


Bad Painting 89: "If they die, let him dump them in a forest in Germany," Mr. Lahoo said. 71 migrants suffocated in the back of a lorry.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2018 (sold)

Bad Painting 90: 15.000 - 20.000 animals are slaughtered during the annual Gadhimai Festival.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2018


Bad Painting 91: During the festival Farra do Boi countless oxen are tortured with sticks, knives, ropes, whips, stones. Their eyes are gouged out, limbs are broken, tails are snapped off.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2018


Bad Painting 92: Volunteers are trying to save drowning refugees. They won't manage to resuscitate the small child.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2018


Bad Painting 93: Pollice officers are arresting a 90-year-old charity worker for feeding the homeless.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2018

Bad Painting 94: Two men are interviewing a man for a job. They lured him to this diner with a bogus ad on Craigslist. They are planning to kill him.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2018


Bad Painting 95: 8 men and 1 woman are attacking a Pakistani student. He is being smashed with a knuckleduster & told to go back to his country.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2018

Bad Painting 96: Donkeys are being skinned alive. The skins are used in the preparation of ejiao.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2018


Bad Painting 97: The male performer is punching the female performer. He is wearing a solid gold ring. Because of hte severe pain she wants to stop the scene while the crew is filming.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2018

Bad Painting 98: Israeli forces are beating up Palestinians who are trying to stop their house from being smashed to the ground.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2018


Bad Painting 99: Two teens have locked a 15-year old girl into a bedroom. One of the boys is trying to remove her clothing. He is groping her. Both boys are drunkenly laughing.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2018

Bad Painting 100: Children in uniform are being forced to study a variety of subjects five days a week. Once they are home from school, they have to do their homework.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2018 (sold)


Bad Painting 101: Officers are interrogating two 17-year olds. They are suffocating one of the boys with a plastic bag & threatening to kill him if he refuses to name criminal gang leaders.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2018

Bad Painting 102: A soldier is executing a jew on the edge of a mass grave.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2018


Bad Painting 103: A group of white men are posing for a photograph after having burnt a black man alive.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2018 (sold)

Bad Painting 104: Nazi scientists are conducting an experiment on intense cooling. The victim is dressed in a fighter pilot uniform & submerged in freezing water.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2018


Bad Painting 105: Jewish women and children are entering the shower rooms at Auschwitz where they will be gassed to death.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2018

Bad Painting 106: Encouraged by German forces the OUN as well as ordinary people are hunting down & massacring thousands of Jews in the City of Lviv.
(OUN = Organization of Ukrainian Nationalists)

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2018


war crimes in Bosnia

Bad Painting 107: Soldiers are forcing a mother to perform oral sex on her 14-year old son.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2018

Bad Painting 108: Christmas at Auschwitz-Birkenau: Dead bodies are placed underneath a Christmas tree. The prisoners are forced to look at the dead bodies.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2018


Bad Painting 109: My Lay massacre in March 1968: The 23rd Infantry Division of the US Army are on a four hour rampage of killing and rape. They are butchering hundreds of Vietnamese old men, women and babies.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2018


Bad Painting 110: My Lay massacre by the 23rd Infantry Division of the US Army on 16 March 1968: One soldier is shooting chicken & pigs, some soldiers are shooting old men, women & children; some soldiers are raping women & young girls; and some of the soldiers are torching the houses of the village.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2018


Bad Painting 111: Nothing Nothing Here (the history of lynching)

225cm 280cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2019

Bad Painting 112: Cosmetic testing on animals is used to test the safety & hypoallergenic properties of beauty products such as lip gloss, mascara, eyeliner etc. for use by humans.

61cm x 76xm
May 2019
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 113: A group of five young men are punching a gay couple in the face after refusing to kiss in front of them.

61cm x 76xm
June 2019
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 114: Isolation booths are used in 100s of primary & secondary schools in England. It is believed that the booths are disproportionately occuped by children with special needs & black, Asian & minority ethnic children.

61cm x 76xm
May 2019
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 115: A UK high school student in isolation inside a storage room on 3 consecutive days because of being 4 minutes late on 2 occasions. The student is allowed to leave the room (for) quick toilet breaks in the company of a member of staff. Food is served (duing) meal times.

61cm x 76xm
June 2019
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 116: Wealthy trophy-hunters from Europe and North America are posing for a photograph of themselves and a fully-grown captive-bred lion they shot safely from the back of a truck in an enclosed area in South Africa. The lion was drugged to make it easier for the hunters.

61cm x 76xm
June 2019
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 117: Two young men are taking a selfie with a homeless man.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
December 2018
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 118: Young men dressed as Ku Klux Klan and in blackface are posing for a photograph.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
December 2018
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 119: Police officers are executing a suspect.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
December 2018
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 120: An artificial intelligence ad at a bus stop. The poster can read the reactions of its audience and adapt itself accordingly.

61cm x 76xm
June 2019
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 121: Police snipers from a helicopter are targeting suspects and killling eight people in a densely populated area of Rio de Janeiro.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
December 2018
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 122: Riding-in-tandem killers are shooting a critic of President Duterte's government.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
December 2018
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 122: Police officers are planting evidence and a gun after shooting an alleged drug dealer in his home.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
December 2018
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 124: Annual practice of depopulation of spent hens: Workers are beating and kicking hens while laughing and joking about the injuries they have inflicted on them. The hens are going to be locked in gas chambers where they are left to die by suffocation.

61cm x 76xm
June 2019
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 125: Two men are hitting a dog with their car. For the fun of it.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
January 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 126: A bunch of guys set fire to a dog. For fun. They are filming the event with their mobile phones.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
January 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 127: Two friends paid 120 Yuan to join Qiu Hengqing's private group to see him live-stream himself torturing small dogs to earn money from followers.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
January 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 128: A man is filming a man repeatedly hitting a dog in the head while his friends laugh.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
January 2020
acrylic on canvas


Junko Furata

Bad Painting 129: Nobuharu kicked Junko off her bike before fleeing the scene. Hiroshi - posing as an innocent bystander - offers to walk her home. Instead he is going to take her to a warehouse where he threatens to kill her before raping her.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas


Junko Furata

Bad Painting 130: A girl is hanging from the ceiling. Four boys are using her as a punching bag.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas


Junko Furata

Bad Painting 131: A boy is tearing off Junko's left nipple with pliers.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas

Junko Furata

Bad Painting 132: Junko begged the boys to kill her and get it over with, but they refused and locked her in a freezer intead.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas


Junko Furata

Bad Painting 133: Junko is being forced to eat live cockroaches.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas

Junko Furata

Bad Painting 134: In order to turn her rapists on, Junko is being forced to masturbate in front of the boys and their guests.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas


Junko Furata

Bad Painting 135: Junko is being forced to sleep outside on the balcony in the freezing-cold.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 136: John William Milam and Roy Bryant are lynching Emmett Louis Till in a barn.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 137: Uyghur detainees are waiting to be transferred to a re-education camp.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 138: Uighur detainee tied to metal chair in internment camp. Torture tools are displayed on the the table in front of him.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
Feburay 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 139: A doctor is injecting Treponema Pallidum that causes syphilis into the spinal fluid of a woman as part of the Guatemala Experiments.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
March 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 140: Migrant workers crouched on the side of the road are sprayed with sodium hypochlorite which can cause damage to the skin, eyes and lungs to disinfect them.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
April 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 141: A Nagpur police officer is making lockdown violators sit in the scorching sun for six hours.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
April 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 142: Two men are beating up a Chinese American man during the Coronavirus Pandemic.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
April 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 143: The husband is about to hit his wife with a belt in the face.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
April 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 144: In order to send a strong message of rejection to the trans community, a gang stabbed a 33-year-old trans woman 20 times, slit her throat and one of the men is gouging out one of her eyes.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
April 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 145: A rapist is pressing his fingers very hard into the seven-year-old girl's eyes so she won't be able to identify him.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 146: Husband is shouting at his wife because he is not happy with her cleaning. Later the same day he will rape her.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 147: Enver Şimşek is being executed in broad daylight by members of the NSU.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
March 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 148: Five young abducted women bound to pillars, surrounded by men who paid a lot of money to torture, rape and maybe kill them.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
April 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 149: A US tourist is having sex with a twelve-year-old boy who is held as a sex slave near the American border.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
April 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 150: Cartel gunmen are ordering a sex slave to kill her friend, a young teenage boy, to test if she can be transformed into a sicario.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 151: On the way to get water, a guard is hitting a seven-month pregnant refugee woman with a hose in a detention centre.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 152: A detention centre guard is withholding water from refugees kneeling in front of him. The thermostat reads 43°C.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 153: Although the two rail workers are begging not to go out again, they are being told to go back to work on the concourse after they were spat and coughed at by a man who said he had Covd-19. One of them will die of coronavirus.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 154: A man is spitting at two UK Rail workers while saying he has the Coronavirus after he asked them why they weren't in the ticket office. One of them will die of Covid-19.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 155: Guys are torturing an allligator. The mouth and feet are bound by a rope. Two arrows are stuck in its body.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 156: Beach-goers are ignoring social distancing in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 157: Approximately 50 LAPD officers, most of them drunk, are beating up six prisoners on Christmas morning. The beating lasts 95 minutes.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
May 2020
acrylic on canvas

Bad Painting 158: Four police officers are killing a black man. Again.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
June 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 159: The bouncers have been told to keep these two black men out of the club as they have reached their black customer quota. They are scared they might lose their trendy clientele.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
June 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 160: The donkey is about to be killed. Gelatine is obtained from the skin. It is used as an ingredient called Ejiao in hte traditional medicine of China.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
June 2019
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 161: Police officers are beating up a young long-haired hippy using a phone directory in order to prevent lacerations in the face. He will be moved to a psychiatric hospital for two weeks where they keep him under strong medication to prevent him from talking to the press and friends about the incident and so the swellings have enough time to go down.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
June 2020
acrylic on canvas


Bad Painting 162: Protesters are attacking police officers.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2020


Bad Painting 163: Father and son are having fun killing insects.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2020

Bad Painting 164: An angry father is yelling at his daughter and telling her that she is stupid and will never achieve anything in life.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2020


Bad Painting 165: The Head of Sales is comparing asylum seekers from Sri Lanka in the opposite building to dirty bags of coal that get everything for free. The young intern doesn't know how to react.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2020

Bad Painting 166: Dad is ranting about immigrants in front of his two children. He wants them all to be sent back as they are only here to drain the social system, rape women and introduce Sharia law.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2020


Bad Painting 167: Two drunk teenage girls are fighting on a hot day during lockdown in Margate. Some of the by-standers are filming the fight on their mobile phones.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2020

Bad Painting 168: Youtber streaming himself hitting his puppy.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2020


Bad Painting 169: The Prime Minister is lying to the public. He is delivering a carefully crafted speech using all the rhetorical tricks of the trade one can think of.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2020


Bad Painting 170: Federal Law enforcement officers, deployed under the Trump administration's executive order are arresting a protesters in plain sight . They are not identifying themselves nor giving any reason for the arrest. The protester will be driven away in an unmarked car.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2020


Bad Painting 171: Chinese doctors are performing a heart transplant. A foreign patient is receiving the heart of an executed Uyghur prisoner. The insurance company told him he should go to China because he was scheduled to undergo a heart transplantation in two weeks’ time.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2020

Bad Painting 172: A Vietnamese boy is working on a cannabis farm in a London suburb. He is not allowed to leave the house. He was promised a job as a gardener. When he refused to work, his captors punished by pouring scalding water over his chest and arms and threatened to kill his family back home in Vietnam.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2020


Bad Painting 173: A man is getting his car washed for £5. The Polish and Romanian workers were promised well-paid building work but ended up working at a car wash for £4 per hour. They pay £40 rent per week to sleep in an overcrowded shed. They cannot leave as the manager is holding back their travel documents. They are scared to go to the police because the men they work for threatened to hurt their families back home should they talk to the police.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2020


Bad Painting 174: A man who is forced to dig out driveways ready for block paving and tarmacking is being beaten up for refusing to work.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2020


Bad Painting 175: A son is taking off his clothes in order to get chocolates from his mother. She is masturbating under the covers.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2020

Bad Painting 176: A father and his two sons are playing soldiers. The father arrests one of his sons and executes him by shooting him in the head.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020


Bad Painting 177: Parents are showing their child a photo of a disabled person, who they say is their child's new teacher. They are filming the frightened reaction in order to share the footage on TikTok. (The New Teacher Challenge)

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020

Bad Painting 178: A dad is filming his daughter cry with blood in her mouth after losing a tooth. The footage has more than 160 million views on his Youtube vlog.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020


Bad Painting 179: An expectant father, his cousin and a teenage girl are trying to kill his unborn baby. The pregnant woman is held hostage and subjected to hours of abuse. He is pouring alcohol and blue laundry detergent into her mouth.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020

Bad Painting 180: A boyfriend is trying to throw his girlfriend out of the window after a man liked her Facebook photo. (She is pregnant, but they don't know.)

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020


Bad Painting 181: One-year old girl battered to death by mum's boyfriend is lying dying with fractures to the skull, a ruptured liver and other injuries on a mattress while her mum and her boyfriend are playing video games. He poisoned the child with a deadly dose of codeine to cover up the beating.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020


Bad Painting 182: A young man is stabbing a man in order to feel what it feels like to stab someone.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020


Bad Painting 183: Der Tag des Zorns für die Zuger Mafia - A man armed with a variety of guns is shooting people at a Swiss regional parliament building.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020

Bad Painting 184: A prisoner who has already been convicted of 11 rapes and 2 sexually-charged murders is cutting the throat of a 20-year old woman while on parole.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020


Bad Painting 185: A geriatric nurse is killing a 78-year odl resident in a nursing home because she was constantly criticizing him. He killed 22 nuring home residents between 1995 and 2001.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020

Bad Painting 186: A gathering of the KKK and other white supremacists. They have set a cross and a Nazi swastika on fire. They are chanting.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020


Bad Painting 187: A car is ploughing into anti-Nazi protesters, killing a woman and injuring dozens.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2020

Bad Painting 188: Young men have set fire to two homeless men.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2020


Bad Painting 189: Two men are urinating on a homeless man.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2020

Bad Painting 190: Two men are dumping construction waste on to derelict land.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2020


Bad Painting 191: Parents and their children are having lunch together. The parents are on their phones while the children are watching videos on their tablets.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2020

Bad Painting 192: Police officers are beating eight Romani men & one 13-year old boy for having a BBQ outside one of their houses. Two officers are holding the arms of a Romani man as a third whips the bare sole of his feet.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2020


Bad Painting 193: Members of the far right-wing extremist group C14 are chasing Roma from their temporary camp at Kyiv's Lysa Hora nature reserve. They are using spray cans and are hurling stones.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021

Bad Painting 194 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 194: Estate agent is telling prospective home buyers not to worry about the locals as they will be driven to Dover sooner or later.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021


Bad Painting 195: Five young men are killing a swan in order to place it together with a sign reading 'not welcome' in a field where a Roma family is staying.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021

Bad Painting 196: Five young men are throwing a lit torch at a camper of a Roma family after having put up a sign reading "not welcome" and placed a dead swan in the field where the family is staying.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021


Bad Painting 197: A monkey farm where macaque monkeys are being bred. The monkeys here will be sold and used in the development of vaccines and treatment against COVID-19.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021

Bad Painting 198: A man is reporting his neighbours to the police. He thinks they are flouting the coronavirus rules.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021


Bad Painting 199: Motivated by wanting to inherit her in-laws’ real-estate holdings and other assets, a woman is adding cyanide to food in order to kill the two-year old daughter of her dead husband's cousin. (She killed six family members in total)

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021

Bad Painting 200: A police officer is lying injured on the ground. Trump-supporting rioters are shouting “‘Kill him with his own gun!”

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021


Bad Painting 201: Children beating abandoned four-month-old donkey with sticks and a chiar so hard her colon fell out.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2021

Bad Painting 202: A parent is dragging their child to school.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2021


Bad Painting 203: Hunters are killing a man with albinism for his body parts.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021

Bad Painting 204: A man is kicking a cat while his friends are filming him. They will share the footage on social media.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021


Bad Painting 205: A man is filming his sexual abuse of two girls. He will show the footage to other people on an encrypted network called 'The Love Zone' in return for funding.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021


Bad Painting 206: Men are removing fins from sharks. They will discard the shark back into the ocean.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021


Bad Painting 207: Men are throwing a shark that is still alive into the ocean after having cut off its fins.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021

Bad Painting 208: People are eating shark fin soup.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021


Bad Painting 209: An acting mother and an adoption agency worker are hanidng over a stolen baby to a European couple. The new parents are not aware of the fraud.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021


Bad Painting 210: Palm oil workers are shooting an orangutan.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021


Bad Painting 211: Two people buying the cheapest eggs they can find.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021

Bad Painting 212: A man is boasting about his rape of two Japanese girls.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021


Bad Painting 213: People trying to destroy a tree stump carving in a park.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
April 2021

Bad Painting 214: A man is buying an axe in oder to behand a 14-year old girl. Before the beheading he wants to rape her and following the beheading he wants to eat her.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2021


Bad Painting 215: A police officer slammed a 73-year old woman with dementia to the ground and handcuffs her. She will be forced into a police car where they hog-tie her ankles.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2021

Bad Painting 216: A traditional dog fight with teh aim of finding the dog best suited to improve the Asian Shepherd breed.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2021


Bad Painting 217: Parents on their smartphones.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2021

Bad Painting 218: Husband is slicing off his 18 year old wife's ears and nose under the order of a senior Taliban commander because she escaped from her husband she was forced to marry at the age of 14.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2021


Bad Painting 219: Taliban fighter claiming their spoils of war (qhanimat): a 12 year old and a 15 year old girl.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2021

Bad Painting 220: People connected to the Neo-Nazi movement are protesting against refugees.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2021


Bad Painting 221: On the blood farm: Pregnant mares are being beaten with iron hooks to drive them forward. The workers tab the horses for blood. The blood contains PMSG. It is used to induce pregnancy in pigs so they can produce more piglets.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2021


Bad Painting 222: Workers in Turkey are building a wall to stop refugees from Afghanistan.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2021


Bad Painting 223: Military personnel keep coming into the cell of a civilian Afghan detainee who is chained by the wrists to ceiling to give him a common peroneal strike. When beaten, he repeatedly cries "Allah!" This has become a running joke within a US military detention center in Afghanistan.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2021


Bad Painting 224: Five US soldiers in army-issue long underwear (to look like ninjas) are raping a 14-year old girl and killing her family. One of the soldiers describes the crime as awesome.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2021


Bad Painting 225: Arsonists are setting fire to a forest to cause a wildfire in order to prevent refugees from hiding in the woods.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2021

Bad Painting 226: Leaders, staff and governors have high ambitions for all pupils to achieve well.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2021


Bad Painting 227: Arsonists setting fire to a refugee camp.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021

Bad Painting 228: Gold miners are killing and chopping up members of an uncontacted Amazon tribe.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 229: Dumping food in toilet.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021

Bad Painting 230: Four men are shooting a real gang rape video in order to sell it on the Internet .

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 231: A teenager was ordered by his dad to severely punish his seven-year-old cousin because he couldn't recite 13 bible verses. He buried him alive without boots or a coat in about 80 pounds of snow. He will freeze to death.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 232: Four men are threatening a young boy to rape his dog. They are laughing at the boy and making fun of him.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 233: Whiteboard in school assembly displaying ranking of pupils in order of either positive or negative performance in attendance, achievement and behaviour. The school is shaming 'bad' students and praising 'good' students.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 234: After boyfriend found girlfriend’s advice card for domestic abuse victims from hospital, he punched her repeatedly in the face and forced her face into dog excrement. He is holding her up to a mirror and saying: 'Look at you. What a state you're in.'

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 235: Toro de Fuego: In front of a cheering crowd a group of men is strapping horns made of wood coated in tar to the bull's head. The attachment is then set on fire.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021

Bad Painting 236: A Libyan Coast Guard is shooting in the direction of a boat in distress carrying migrant families in the Mediterranean Sea. They are coming dangerously close to crashing into the boat.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 237, Africa, Scientists carrying out an illegal trial for Trovan (a drug that was not approved in the US) on 200 children in Kano, Nigeria, during an epidemic of bacterial meningitis. The tests resulted in the deaths of 11 children and varying degrees of injuries and other disorders including deafness, muteness, paralysis, brain damage, loss of sight and slurred speech.

Bad Painting 237: Scientists are carrying out an illegal clinical trial on 200 children in Nigeria. The tests will result in the deaths of 11 children and varying degrees of injuries and disorders.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021

Bad Painting 238: The First Class Crew - die Steeler Jungs - on their weekly city walk.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 239: Kidnapped boyfriend and girlfriend are being tortured. A man cut out the boyfriend's tongue, wrapped it in foil and shoves it into his mouth, choking him to death. The girlfriend is forced to watch and clean up his blood.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 240: A criminal organisation is keeping a 15-year-old girl as a prisoner and using her as a prostitute. They keep her earnings or give her away free to gang members as a reward.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021


Bad Painting 241 by Jay Rechsteiner / London, Wayne Couzens, Sarah Everard, rape, murder, crime

Bad Painting 241: A police officer in a hired car is looking for a woman to kidnap, rape and kill.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2021

the Turpin family

Bad Painting 242: Children held captive, pychologically abused and starved by their parents. They are chained to their beds. The parents feed them once a day and allow them to shower once a year.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2021


Swiss Army, Rekrutenschule Liestal, Schweiz, Switzerland

Bad Painting 243: A young soldier is boasting about having had sex with a drunk girl on the weekend. He calls her a brainless bitch and says she didn't know what she was doing, it was like raping her. The other soldiers are laughing.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2021

Bad Painting 244: A man is selling a domestic worker from Africa. The buyers want an African maid that is clean and smiley. The price is 1.000 KD.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2021


Bad Painting 245: Women who have been raped by soldiers and militiamen are being offered treatment at the general hospital in Adigrat, Ethopia.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021

Bad Painting 246: Husband is trying to murder his wife by setting a venomous cobra on her while she is asleep.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021


Bad Painting 247: MP using his House of Commons office for a meeting relating to his private business interest.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021

Bad Painting 248: Sheep are being beaten with a hammer, punched and thrown around by shearers.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021


Bad Painting 249: A puppy thrown into a rubbish pit is being stoned by children.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021

Bad Painting 250: School children are bullying a black autistic girl. They are telling her she smells bad and is ugly. The teacher is not intervening. The girl will commit suicide.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021


Bad Painting 251 by Jay Rechsteiner, riot, demonstration, protest, Rotterdam, the Hague

Bad Painting 251: A man who has been shot is lying on the ground. People are filming him with their smartphones.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021

Bad Painting 252 by Jay Rechsteiner, Hongkong, China, Police, riot police shooting a protester

Bad Painting 252: A riot police officer is shooting a protester who is trying to hit him with a stick.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021


Bad Painting 253 by Jay Rechsteiner, Gürtel, corruption, Spain

Bad Painting 253: A powerful business magnate has invited politicians to a sex party. He is giving each of them an envelope of cash for helping him out with a building contract.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021

Bad Painting 254: Gendarmes are arresting two transgender women for wearing women's clothing.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021


Bad Painting 255 by Jay Rechsteiner, family beating up two teenage girls in Norwich after dinner at Chinese restaurant

Bad Painting 255: A group of adults and children are beating up two teenage girls for having stared at them at a restaurant.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2021

Bad Painting 256: Police officers are taking selfies of two murdered women. They are going to send them to people via Whatsapp referring to them as dead birds.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021


Bad Painting 257: A contractor is sticking a hot spoon on the cheeck of a young boy because he wants to quit his job and go to school

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021

Bad Painting 264 by Jay Rechsteiner, domestic abuse, financial abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse

Bad Painting 258: Husband is checking wife's phone messages and calls.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021


Bad Painting 264 by Jay Rechsteiner, domestic abuse, financial abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse

Bad Painting 259: After smashing daughter's phone dad is asking her to thank him for not breaking her laptop as well. Mum is not intervening as it would make the situation worse.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021


Bad Painting 264 by Jay Rechsteiner, domestic abuse, financial abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse

Bad Painting 260: Husband is interrogating wife. He wants to know why she is 10 minutes late and why she is wearing makeup.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021


Bad Painting 264 by Jay Rechsteiner, domestic abuse, financial abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse

Bad Painting 261: Boyfriend is slashing tyres of girlfriend's car so she can't drive anywhere.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021

Bad Painting 262: Wife is sitting at the kitchen table studying for a qualification in sustainability. Husband is saying 'Who are you kidding? You think you are doing that?'

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021


Bad Painting 264 by Jay Rechsteiner, domestic abuse, financial abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse

Bad Painting 263: Wife is on the phone while husband is standing in the room listening. He wants to know who she is talking with.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021

Bad Painting 264 by Jay Rechsteiner, domestic abuse, financial abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse

Bad Painting 264: Wife doesn't want to have sexual intercourse due to pain from giving birth. In order to buy essentials her drunk husband asks her to have sex with him in return.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021


Bad Painting 265: After whispering into wife's ear to leave the party because she isn't welcome, wife is upset. Her husband is telling people that she has mental issues and is being oversensitive.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021


Bad Painting 266: Husband comes home drunk & wakes up wife to have sex. She lets him rape her to avoid a beating.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2021


Bad Painting 267: A teenager buying a semiautomatic rifle and munition.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021

school shooting

Bad Painting 268: Teenager shooting teenagers and teachers. He bought the semi automatic rifle at a local store.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
January 2021


Bad Painting 269: A family is not allowed to enter the restaurant because they are not vaccinated against COVID 19.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Bad Painting 270: Doctor prescribing an anti-anxiety medicine for a child with school anxiety.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Bad Painting 271: Daily COVID-19 temperature checks at school.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Bad Painting 272: A woman being arrested for trying to take her 97-year-old mother out of a care home for lockdown. The old woman is being taken back by force to the care home.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Walpole Bay, Margate, UK, beach, summer

Bad Painting 273: A group of teenage girls are playing loud music on a public beach.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Bad Painting 274: A police commander being sentenced to almost five years in jail for refusing to shoot protesters at an anti-government demonstration.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Priti Patel

Bad Painting 275: English politician proposing plan to send refugees to Rwanda for processing.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022

Bad Painting 276: Car speeding down a road next to a school during pick-up time.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Bad Painting  277: A man is putting nails and pins into cocktail sausages. He wants to leave them out in a park to kill dogs.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022

Bad Painting 278: A man is spiking the drink of his female companion while she is in the restroom.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Bad Painting 279: A mother-of-two is cheating on her partner while he is looking after the kids. She is having an affair with a work colleague.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Bad Painting 280: A young gay man chased, cornered and beat by a homophobic mob. They are carving 'maricón' into his buttocks.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Brois Johnson and the Conservative Party / Partygate

Bad Painting 281: An illegal party in Downing Street while Covid restrictions are in force.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022

Bad Painting 282: A woman is disgusted by the sight of a dead pigeon.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022

Bad Painting 283: A primary school teacher bangs pupil's head on door frame while dragging the child out of the classroom.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Bad Painting 284: Young woman in life-threatening condition due to severe pregnancy complications. The doctor refuses the abortion. The woman will die.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


Bad Painting 285: Diners scoop up live fish and eat them while giggling.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022

Bad Painting 286: Diners eating live fish cut open while playing with it and giggling.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2022


BVB, Basel, Tram

Bad Painting 287: A woman is asking a mother and her two children to get up. She thinks they are immigrants because of their slightly darker skin.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022

Bad Painting 288: Moroccan security forces kicking and beating migrants.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 289: Teenagers shooting fireworks at people and vehicles.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022

Bad Painting 290: Teenagers attacking shop assistant with fireworks.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 291: Teenagers attaching fireworks to cat's body. They will set it alight.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022

Bad Painting 292: A power broker in the art world is touching a young female employee, uninvited, on her hips, shoulders, buttocks, hands and neck.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 293: A white supremacist group is marching through the City of Boston.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022

Bad Painting 294: Dad is forcing his children to kill the family cat.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 295: Dad is shooting his infant son three times in the head with a gas powered air pistol before stabbing him with a metal skewer and smothering him with a pillow.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 296: A man is raping an unconscious man after he lured him into his flat and drugged him.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 297: A 15-year old given vodka and drugs by a man who takes her to several flats where gangs of men have sex with her in return for payment for him.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 298 : A man is acting as a 'Good Samaritan'. He is offering to help a drunk woman. He intends to rape her and film the assault.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 299: People depositing bags of rubbish, a carpet and furniture. A person is taking a photo of the people in order to upload it on social media.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022

Bad Painting 300: A man repeatedly stabbing a fox with a pitchfork.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 301: An older woman sitting alone in her room in a care home while her relatives are celebrating Christmas.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 302: 89-year-old man left for days soaked in urine and covered in sores in a care home.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022


Bad Painting 303: Care home worker raping a 99-year old woman.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2022

Bad Painting 304: A dog taken from a garden doused in petrol is set on fire.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022


Bad Painting 305: Two men riding jet ski in public tidal pool.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022

Bad Painting 306: Starving cats eating each other after owner left them to rot in faeces-ridden home.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022


Bad Painting 307: A pangolin repeatedly bludgeoned with a machete until it can barely move.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022

Bad Painting 308: Two local peddlers showing two live pangolins to traffickers from China.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022


Claudia Neumann football reporter

Bad Painting 309: Man on laptop writing a hate message to a female football reporter.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022

Bad Painting 310: An unaccompanied woman walking into a hotel is stopped by a guard because he assumes that she is a sex worker.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022


Bad Painting 311: A man is asking a Japanese woman how much she charges for sex. He assumes she is a prostitute.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022

feminism, gender equality

Bad Painting 312: The daughter is asked to cook something for her two brothers.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022


Bad Painting 313: Men in the audience of a public debate are making a throat-slitting gesture to intimidate feminist activist for gender equality and migrants' rights.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022

Bad Painting 314: A bunch of teenagers are smashing up a stolen bicycle on a sunny day.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022


Bad Painting 315 by Jay Rechsteiner, Japan, subway, groping, sexual assault

Bad Painting 315: Man on subway pressed against a school girl groping her
ejaculates into his pants.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022

Bad Painting 316 by Jay Rechsteiner, sexual assault

Bad Painting 316: A woman walking home at night followed by a group of men.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022

Bad Painting 317 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 317: Man forcing woman to watch porn.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2022


Bad Painting 318 by Jaz Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 318: Child squashing fire ants.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2022


Bad Painting 319 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 319: Mother strangling her three kids before hanging herself.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2022

Bad Painting 320 by Jay Rechsteiner, Margate

Bad Painting 320: Car hitting a young seagull on purpose.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2022


Bad Painting 321 by Jay Rechsteiner, Palm Bay campervan , Margate, Kent

Bad Painting 321: Joy riders smashing into campervan with family inside.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2022

Bad Painting 322 by Jay Rechsteiner - Queen Elizabeth death, royal family

Bad Painting 322: An anti-monarchy protester is being arrested by police.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2022

Bad Painting 323 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 323: Four men raping a dog. The dog's front legs are tied and
its mouth gagged while the men are sexually torturing it.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2022


Bad Painting 324 by Rechsteiner, Iran Morality Police beating Mahsa Amini into a coma for not wearing her hijab correctly, properly

Bad Painting 324: Iran Morality Police beating woman into a coma for not wearing her hijab properly.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
September 2022

Bad Painting 325, Italian Fascist

Bad Painting 325: Italian Fascist on a shooting spree targeting African immgrants.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2022

Bad Painting 326 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 326: A young refugee whose mother and sister got raped and murdered on the way from Afghanistan is being told to go back to his country by angry men.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
November 2022

Bad Painting 327 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 327: Met Police shoot dead two dogs and taser man.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
May 2023


Bad Painting 328 by Jay Rechsteiner, husband films wife drugged and raped, france, french

Bad Painting 328: Husband filming the rape of his wife of 50 years. The rapist is fully aware that the unconscious wife has been drugged. Investigators found 92 cases between 2011 and 2020.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2023


Bad Painting 329 by Jay Rechsteiner: French husband drugs wife so she can be raped, evil crime

Bad Painting 329: Husband drugged his wife she she can be raped while she is unconscious.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
June 2023

Bad Painting 330 / Home Office, Minister of Immigraion painting over murals at asylum center, manston, Robert Jenrick

Bad Painting 330: Murals of cartoon characters on the walls of an asylum centre for unaccompanied children are being painted over after an order from the immigration minister Robert Jenrick.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2023


Bad Painting 331 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 331: Shark having fins brutally hacked off while still alive to make soup.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2023


Bad Painting 332 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 332: Gay man being killed and beheaded for being homosexual by family member. They are going to dump his body under a tree and then call his mother to tell her where to find him.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2023

Bad Painting 333 by Jay Rechsteiner, gang rape india

Bad Painting 333: A 10-year-old girl being gang-raped by two men who also insert stick in her private parts.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2023



Bad Painting 334 by Jay Rechsteiner: Animal crushing video,Angel Ramos-Corrales

Bad Painting 334: Man recording himself kicking and slitting puppy's throat and shares it on social media.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2023


Bad Painting 335 by Jay Rechsteiner: Animal Crushing Video Lucas Russell VanWoert

Bad Painting 335: Man creating an animal crush video: a dog is being sexually assaulted and impaled.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
July 2023

Bad Painting 336 by Jay Rechsteiner, stepdad punching baby

Bad Painting 336: Stepdad is punching 10-month-old baby boy in the stomach causing a traumatic bowel perforation that leads to a fatal infection. The child's mother is standing back, she is not intervening. The boy sustained at least 39 rib fractures in a minimum of four separate assaults.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023

Bad Painting 336 by Jay Rechsteiner, Thailand, tourists

Bad Painting 337: Two topless white male tourists are ordering fried rice and beer at a restaurant in Thailand.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023

Bad Painting 336 by Jay Rechsteiner, teenagers shooting swans with catapult

Bad Painting 338: Dad is shouting at his child for eating with the left hand instead of the right hand.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023

Bad Painting 339: A group of boys are attacking swans with catapults.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023



Bad Painting 340 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 340: Boyfriend spitting at girlfriend and calling her a stupid cow because she refused to what he wanted her to do.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023

Bad Painting 341 by Jay Rechsteiner, patriotic  alertnative, britain first

Bad Painting 341: Far-right activists are protesting against asylum-seekers.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023

Bad Painting 342 by Jay Rechsteiner, gay man being mistreated in care home

Bad Painting 342: Gay man with dementia is being beaten, taunted and mistreated by care home staff in his room because of his sexuality.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023


Bad Painting 343 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 343: Social media influencer is performing a random act of kindness.
He is showering a homeless man with money.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023

Bad Painting 344 by Jay Rechsteiner, AirBnB guests

Bad Painting 344: AirBnB guests are making a huge mess and breaking things.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023


Bad Painting 345 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 345: A gang of men are following two asylum-seekers into a
park while shouting threats at them. They are going to beat them up.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023


Bad Painting 346 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 346: Anti-refugee protester outside a hotel that houses asylum-seekers

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
August 2023


Bad Painting 347 by Jay Rechsteiner / Iris Hefets protesting against genocide in gaza

Bad Painting 347: Police detaining woman protesting against genocide.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2023

Bad Painting 348: German police stomping out candles at a vigil for Palestinian victims.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2023


Bad Painting 349 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 349: A group of men hurling racist abuse at pro-Palestine protesters.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2023

homeschooling Germany arrest

Bad Painting 350: Armed police, social workers and special agents storming a family home because the parents defy a ban on homeschooling. The authorities are taking the children away.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2023


Pro-Palestine protester arrested in Germany

Bad Painting 351: A lone pro-Palestine protester being arrested by police for waving a Palestine flag.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2023

Bad Painting 352, Geert Wilders election victory

Bad Painting 352: People cheering and clapping for far-right anti-Islam populist's victory in election.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
October 2023


Bad Painting 353 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 353: Police issuing a penalty for feeding more than six (homeless) people.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2023

Bad Painting 354 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 354: A security guard is spraying a homeless man's bad with water in an effort to move him on.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
December 2023


Bad Painting 355 by Jay Rechsteiner , tranq tourism in Philiadelphia, Kensington

Bad Painting 355: Tiktok content creators are filming tranq users.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
February 2024

Israeli soldier killing an elderly Palestinian man

Bad Painting 356: An Israeli soldier boasts about shooting an unarmed elderly Palestinian man with his arms raised in surrender. Other soldiers applaud.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2024


Bad Painting 357 by Jay Rechsteiner, Israeli soldiers attacking muslims on first day of Ramadan

Bad Painting 357: Israeli forces attack Muslim worshippers at al-Aqsa Mosque on the first night of Ramadan, blocking entry and using force.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
acrylic on canvas
March 2024

Bad Painting 358, court in Saudia Arabia, Manahel al-Otaibi

Bad Painting 358: Young women's rights activist in Saudia Arabia being secretly sentenced to 11 years in prison by an anti-terrorism court.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 359 by Jay Rechsteiner, asylum seeker detained in order to deport to Rwanda

Bad Painting 359: Police detaining asylum seekers to deport them to Rwanda.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 360 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 360: Drunk young men on a train.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 361 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 361: Couple trying to get young artist drunk. They want a threesome with her.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 362 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 362: Zionists beating up Pro-Palestine protestor.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 363 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 363: Board meeting.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 364

Bad Painting 364: Man stealing a bicycle.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 365

Bad Painting 365: Man throwing rubbish into someone's front garden.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 366 by Jay Rechsteiner - global monkey torture network, the immolator

Bad Painting 366: A woman conducting a poll for members of a monkey torture group on which methods of torture should be inflicted upon an infant monkey.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 367 by Rechsteiner / monkey torturer in Indonesia, Asep Yadi Nurul Hikmah

Bad Painting 367: Monkey torturer at work for a global network of people who pay him for torturing monkeys.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 368 by Jay Rechsteiner / "The Torture King" Mike Macartney, monkey torture online network

Bad Painting 368: A man going by the screen name Torture King chatting with members of his monkey torture group.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 369 by jay Rechsteiner, meeting between the UK government (Prime Minister's Office) and arms dealsers

Bad Painting 369: Meeting behind closed doors.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 370 by Jay Rechsteiner, Saudi Authorities shooting man for resisting eviction. They want the land to build a future Eco City

Bad Painting 370: Man being shot by authorities for resisting eviction.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 371 by Jay Rechsteiner, private jet for Foreign Secretary

Bad Painting 371: The Foreign Secretary on the phone in one of the best luxury private jets money can buy.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 372 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 372: Meeting discussing a secret plan centred on remigration.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 373 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 373: Man smoking on train.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 375 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 374: Man showing dog who's the boss.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 375 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 375: Teenagers feeding stolen puppy drugs, kicking, setting fire to his face, and breaking his neck before dumping him.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 376 by Jay Rechsteiner, völkische Siedler, Germany

Bad Painting 376: A fahter demanding that the kindergarten director expel the child of colour.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


Bad Painting 377 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 377: Sturmvogel Deutscher Jugendbund Summer camp.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 378 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 378: German partygoers changing Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024


German police in Berlin beating up Pro Palestine protesters.

Bad Painting 379: German police beating up protesters.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
May 2024

Bad Painting 380 by Jay Rechsteiner / Police violently arresting professor

Bad Painting 380: Woman violently arrested in Pro-Palestine protest.

122cm x 153cm
oil on canvas
June 2024


IDF combat dog attacking Palestinian man with Down Syndrome

Bad Painting 381: IDF combat dog attacking Palestinian man with Down syndrome. The man will be left to die.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
July 2024


Bad Painting 382 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 382: Husband tied his pregnan wife to the bed and set her on fire.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
July 2024

Bad Painting 383 by Jay Rechsteiner / AfD - Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus, racist German tourist, party

Bad Painting 383: Chanting "Deutschland den Deutschen, Ausländer raus!"

122cm x 153cm
oil on canvas
June 2024


Bad Painting 384 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 384: People demanding mass deportation.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
July 2024

Bad Paintinng 385 by Jay Rechsteiner - Netanyah giving a speech in US cogress

Bad Painting 385: A genocidal war criminal delivering a speech in the U.S. Congress and receiving a standing ovation.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
July 2024


Bad Painting 386 by Jay Rechsteiner, Southport far-right protesters attacking mosque

Bad Painting 386: Far-right protesters targeting mosque.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
July 2024


Bad Painting 387 IDF soldiers in Palestine

Bad Painting 387: An IDF soldier threatening a child with a knife, while other soldiers are ransacking and destroying everything in their home.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
July 2024

IDF soldiers in Palestine / Bad Painting 388 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 388: IDF solders destroying Palestinian home.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
July 2024


IDF soldiers in Palestine, Bad Painting 389 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 389: IDF solderis urinating on and kicking the body of an alleged Palestinian fighter.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
July 2024

IDF soldiers in Palestine, Bad Painting 390 by Jay Rechsteiner

Bad Painting 390: Palestinians being threatened by IDF soldiers and ordered to move to Jordan.

22.7cm x 30.5cm
oil on canvas
July 2024






Copyright © 2015, Jay Rechsteiner. All Rights Reserved.