jay rechsteiner

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Delphine and Jay at work


Delphine and Jay: the concrete and the abstract

"Every child is an artist. The problem is how to remain an artist once we grow up." - Pablo Picasso

Inspired by the way young children, especially toddlers, draw and paint, I began a collaborative project in 2017 with my two-year-old daughter, Delphine. Together, we explored aesthetics and composition, focusing on themes of the concrete versus the abstract, conflict and harmony, anarchy, and the interplay of opposites. The work also reflected on the balance between a structured approach to painting and the raw impulse to create. Each painting began with Delphine’s drawing or painting, which I then 'finished' by adding my own layers to create the final piece. Delphine chose the colours and materials, and while I sometimes 'erased' (painted over) parts of her work, it wasn’t out of objection but to make the work a unified piece. This interactive process allowed me to deepen my own understanding of beauty, chaos, order, and balance.

From 2021 onward, the paintings are mine alone, but I continue using the same approach. The process is one of constant layering, with marks made and erased repeatedly until I’m satisfied with the piece. In a way, it feels like two people creating together - as if making and erasing marks, over and over, becomes a conversation within the painting itself.

Since the focus is on aesthetics and composition, I have chosen to number the paintings rather than title them individually.
Click on the images to view each painting (opens in new pages).


2017 (Delphine and Jay)

Painting 01 by Delphine and Jay Painting 03 by Delphine and Jay Painting 04 by Delphine and Jay
Painting 05 by Delphine and Jay Painting 06 by Delphine and Jay Painting 07 by Delphine and Jay Painting 08 by Delphine and Jay
Painting 09 by Delphine and Jay Painting 10 by Delphine and Jay Painting 11 by Delphine and Jay Painting 12 by Delphine and Jay
Painting 13 by Delphine and Jay Painting 14 by Delphine and Jay Painting 15 by Delphine and Jay Painting 16 by Delphine and Jay
Painting 17 by Delphine and Jay Painting 18 by Delphine and Jay Painting 19 by Delphine and Jay Painting 20 by Delphine and Jay
Painting 21 by Delphine and Jay Painting 22 by Delphine and Jay Painting 23 by Delphine and Jay Delphine and Jay, painting by Jay Rechsteiner, Swiss artists
Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner
Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner
Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner Delphine and Jay, painting by Swiss artist Jay Rechsteiner    



2021 (Jay)

click on images to view



click on images to view

painting 39 painting 40    




'The Ebb and the Flow' by Fogheart (Fabian Measures)



Paintings by Delphine and Jay
Painting 01 and Painting 04 in-situ





Copyright © 2015, Jay Rechsteiner. All Rights Reserved.