
The Red Van
The Red Van is a mobile unit that serves as a means of travelling, a place for working and a place for sleeping.

By-Product focues on the process of making & developing art.
"... a secondary product derived from a manufacturing process or chemical reaction..."

Archive of a thousand lives
The archive of a thousand lives is a growing wunderkammer of personal objects owned by my father Franzueli Rechsteiner who passed away in February 2015. The objects are carefully arranged on a structure made of wood, bricks, boxes and the like. The location is Lugnez in Switzerland.

structure explores the ever changing structure-construction of human society. I am in particular interested in the interconnections & interrelations of all elements/parameters within urban human social city life & the results of change & intervention including chain reactions, trigger effect.
The Podomotist's Machine - dispositions/blueprints
The Podomotist's Machine is an experimental process-based body of in-situ works that integrates my entire artistic practice, from drawing, sculptures, performance to video work etc. It is structured as a linear succesion of works that are instrincly connected to the location of production, i.e. every single collection of works is being produded/created over a certain length of time within a specific location with materials that have a connection to the location or owner/people/history that belong to it. These connections are sometimes strikingly obvious but for the most part hidden within the context of the artistic & intellectual process. Exploration of material, content and their interconnections is at the heart of this work. Some of the work is simply taken from older work, removed from their own context and put into a new context.
For my relevant work, please click on image below:

work from 2000 (NO QUALITY CONTROL!!)
I consider the most part of the work in the secition below of very low artistic standard and I even hesitate to caterogize most of it as art. All work I consider art is to be found above. The reason why I have decided to include all the work is the fact that I believe in the gesamtkunstwerk rather in individual pieces of work as ONLY the gesamtkunstwerk manages to give some sort of overall idea of an artist's work.
Click on the images below in order to view my work from 2000 which is catagorized into:
- paintings
- drawings
- installations
- projects
- video (& performance)
- exhibition concepts
- miscellaneous